
Sabrina Martinez

Hi there! My name is Sabrina Martinez, I am a freelance Illustrator and Visual Developer. I live to tell fantastical stories that appeal to those young at heart. My aim is to bring joy to people’s lives and make them smile! I started towards that goal when I began Mr-Quacker’s Artistry in 2014. And now I try to inspire others with whimsical characters and stories.

Who is Mr. Quacker's?

Mr. Quackers is the duck in my lap! During a family road trip we stopped at a gas station. There was a display that had a bunch of bean-filled animals. I loved them and asked my parents for one ( I really wanted the pig one). My parents said that I could get one on the way back home from out trip. On the ride back I made sure we stopped at the same gas station. However, they only had two left! A sheep and a duck. I was disappointed that the pig I wanted was gone, but I was determined to take one home with me. It was a difficult choice, but I took home Mr. Quackers. He is very near and dear to my heart. This was the start of my journey towards becoming Mr-Quacker’s Artistry!